Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Perfect Cookie Base

I’m a strange bird when it comes to my “insert goodie here” cookies. I’m never in it for the goodies, I am ALWAYS in it for the base of the cookie. I love my chip filled cookies to have their own subtle flavor, something that brings its own note to the party.

This cookie base IS the party

I have yet to find a filling, chip, fruit, or chocolate that won't go well with this base, the browned butter really gives this base its own elevated soft nutty toffee flavor, while the heavy yoke count and brown sugar gives this base a rich, heavy, gooey crumb.

I use this base for my Fall Wonder cookies, my White Chocolate Coconut Macadamia Monsters, and of course my Super Secret Chocolate Chip cookies- which I suppose won't be secret for much longer!

You will never go back to your old cookie base standby.  

I promise


1 ¾ cup AP flour
½ tsp Baking Soda
14 tbs Butter, any temperature (divided into 10tbs/4tbs)
½ cup Sugar
¾ cup packed dark brown sugar
2 tsp Vanilla Extract (Vanilla Bourbon is the BEST!)
1 Egg
2 Egg Yolk
Sea Salt to taste
Your choice of goodies such as Chocolate Chips, Pecans, Crazens, Macadamia Nuts, M&Ms. . .You name it- it tastes amazing in this dough! 

Ready Player 1?

1. SET OUT YOUR INGREDIENTS! It is ALWAYS better to have everything you need portioned out and on hand already than to go stumbling for it at a crucial moment!

Pre-measure all your goodies and SET THEM OUT!  

2. Preheat your oven to 350

3. In a small bowl- combine your Flour and Baking Powder, set aside
  • If you are Making Mommy Milk Cookies, start your flax now- mix 2tbs flax meal with 3tbs water, and let sit.
  • You will also whisk in the 2tbs of brewer's yeast into the flower as well.

4. Start a saucepan over medium heat. Place 10tbs of your butter into the pan, and the remaining 4tbs into a large heat safe bowl.
  • Allow Butter to melt, then brown. Butter will clarify, then separate in the pan to a clear top and rine bottom. Wisk and scrape the rinds as they cook, until they turn a soft golden brown and the whole concoction smells warm and nutty. This can take up to 5 or 10 mins on a glass or electric stove top, less on a gas.

5. Pour your brown butter over the still solid 4tbs, whisk until melted.

6. Add you white sugar to the melted butter mixture, whisk until thoroughly combined.  repeat with your brown sugar, then Vanilla Extract, whisk until shiny and cool.

7. Add your egg, and egg yolk to the butter base and wisk wisk wisk for about one minute.                       Your mixture should be smooth and shiny.

8. Wait for 3 mins and let your mixture rest, then go at it again and whisk for 30 seconds, repeat this process three more times, Until your base is thick, light, fragrant and shiny.
  • While Your mix is resting, its always a good idea to chop up your chocolate or other fillings if they are time sensitive or you have not already.

    The constant mixing and resting will allow the flavor from the sugar and butter to bond to the eggs, this is how we get that wonderful smooth toffee feeling.

9. Once your rest and mix routine is finished, slowly fold your dry ingredients into the base about ½ cup at a time. Mix until just incorporated.

10. If you are adding any goodies into the mix, now is the time! Toss them in and mix until evenly combined.
  • If your kitchen is too hot, you may want to allow your dough to cool for up to one hour in your icebox.  

11. Roll your dough into tight, well pressed balls and line them into your baking sheet with room for minimal spread.

12. Bake for about 9 minutes, or until just golden brown on the edges- allow to cool for 2 minutes in pan, then transfer to a cooling rack.

Enjoy your reward players!

Original Recipe: Sweet Pea's Kitchen 

The Worlds Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

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